Actual Microsoft AZ-700 Exam Questions are Good Resources to Pass

Are you preparing to take the Microsoft AZ-700 Exam and wondering where to find good resources to help you pass? One option to consider is using actual Microsoft AZ-700 Exam questions.


First, let's briefly explain what the Microsoft AZ-700 Exam is. This exam is designed for professionals who are responsible for managing and monitoring Azure infrastructure and services. It tests their knowledge and skills in areas such as Azure compute, storage, networking, and security.

Benefits of Using Actual Microsoft AZ-700 Exam Questions

Using actual Microsoft AZ-700 Exam questions can provide several benefits to help you prepare for the exam:

Familiarity with Exam Format

One of the benefits of using actual exam questions is that it can give you a good idea of what to expect on the actual exam. You can become familiar with the format of the questions, the types of questions that are asked, and the amount of time you have to answer each question.

Understanding of Topics Covered

By practicing with actual exam questions, you can also gain a better understanding of the topics that are covered on the exam. You can see which topics are emphasized more heavily and which ones you may need to spend more time studying.

Identification of Knowledge Gaps

Another benefit of using actual exam questions is that it can help you identify any gaps in your knowledge. As you answer the questions, you may realize that there are certain topics or concepts that you are not as familiar with as you thought. This can allow you to focus your studying on those areas and improve your overall knowledge.

Time Management

Finally, practicing with actual exam questions can help you improve your time management skills. By timing yourself as you answer the questions, you can get a better sense of how long you have to spend on each question and can learn to pace yourself accordingly.

Where to Find Actual Microsoft AZ-700 Exam Questions

Now that we've discussed the benefits of using actual exam questions, let's talk about where you can find them. Here are three options to consider:

Microsoft Official Practice Test

One option is to use the official Microsoft Practice Test for the exam. This test is designed to simulate the actual exam experience and includes questions that have been written by the same team that created the actual exam.

Online Marketplaces

Another option is to search online marketplaces such as Amazon or Udemy for practice tests that have been created by third-party vendors. Be sure to read reviews and ratings before purchasing any practice tests to ensure that they are of high quality and provide accurate information.

Exam Dumps Websites

Finally, there are exam dumps websites that offer access to actual exam questions that have been shared by other test takers. While this option may be tempting, it is important to note that using exam dumps is considered cheating and can result in the revocation of your certification.

Tips for Using Actual Microsoft AZ-700 Exam Questions

Once you have access to actual exam questions, it's important to use them effectively. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Practice Consistently

Consistent practice is key to improving your knowledge and skills. Set aside time each day or week to practice with actual exam questions and track your progress.

Analyze Mistakes

As you practice, pay close attention to the questions you get wrong and analyze why you got them wrong. This can help you identify areas that you need to focus on and improve your overall knowledge.

Use Additional Study Resources

While AZ-700 actual exam questions can be a valuable resource, they should not be your only source of study material. Be sure to use additional resources such as study guides, online courses, and practice labs to supplement your learning.


In conclusion, using actual Microsoft AZ-700 Exam questions can be a great way to prepare for the exam and improve your chances of passing. By becoming familiar with the exam format, gaining a better understanding of the topics covered, identifying knowledge gaps, and improving your time management skills, you can increase your confidence and readiness for the exam. Just remember to use these resources ethically and in combination with other study materials for the best results.